Antica abbazia benedettina di Villar San Costanzo
Diocesi di Saluzzo ( sec. VIII; XV; XVIII )
Si può ricostruire l'immagine dell'abbazia di Villar San Costanzo attraverso le chiese di San Pietro in Vincoli, San Costanzo al Monte, Santa Maria Delibera, importanti testimonianze di arte e architettura dal romanico al XVIII secolo.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maddalena
Diocesi di Tortona ( sec. XVI; XVII; XVIII )
La Basilica di Santa Maria Maddalena venne fondata nel XV secolo, al suo interno sono custoditi un compianto in terracotta policroma ed una scenografica rappresentazione lignea del Monte Calvario databili ai secoli XVI-XVII.
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Diocesi di Aosta ( sec. IV; XI; XIX )
Founded at the end of the 4th century, Aosta Cathedral was rebuilt seven centuries later. It was further modified by major refurbishments in the 15th–16th and 19th centuries.
Cathedral of Maria Vergine Assunta
Diocesi di Saluzzo ( sec. XV )
Santa Maria was elevated from a pieve to a collegiate church in 1483, then to cathedral in 1511. It houses the famous polyptych by Hans Clemer, commissioned for the high altar by the Marquises Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale.
Cathedral of San Giusto
Diocesi di Susa ( sec. XI )
Cathedral of San Giusto, Diocese of Susa. Founded in 1027, it was a monastery until 1749, when it became a collegiate church, and then a cathedral in 1772. The building is in Romanesque style, with a Latin cross plan.
Cathedral of San Pietro
Diocesi di Alessandria ( sec. XIII; XIX )
The cathedral of San Pietro, in the diocese of Alessandria, is a 19th-century building that replaced an earlier Romanesque church, dating from the 13th century and demolished by order of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Cathedral of Sant'Evasio
Diocesi di Casale Monferrato ( sec. XII; XVIII; XIX )
The current cathedral of Sant’Evasio, with a nave and four aisles, is the result of rebuilding in the style of the second half of the 18th century, while the majestic narthex has preserved its original medieval characteristics.
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Diocesi di Novara ( sec. IV; XX )
Novara Cathedral is a complex building, whose 19th-century structure designed by Alessandro Antonelli features details from the Early Christian and Romanesque periods, while the interior houses a wealth of artworks.
Cathedral of Sant’Eusebio
Diocesi di Vercelli ( sec. XII; XVI; XIX )
Founded in ancient times, the cathedral was rebuilt from 1570 onwards, by order of Cardinal Ferrero. The latest restoration work was completed in 2012, under Archbishop Enrico Masseroni.
Chiesa Assunzione di Maria Vergine (CASALE M.TO)
Diocesi di Casale Monferrato ( sec. XX; XXI )
La Chiesa, sita in zona Oltreponte di Casale Monferrato, fu eretta civilmente il 17 gennaio 1956 a seguito di un voto fatto il 28 maggio 1944 durante la seconda guerra mondiale dell'allora Vescovo Giuseppe Angrisani,
Chiesa dei Santi Andrea e Ponzio ed il Convento dei Cappuccini
Diocesi di Saluzzo ( sec. XV )
La parrocchiale maggiore venne riedificata nel 1455; il prospetto principale è decorato dal celebre portale dei fratelli Zabreri, recante la data 1461.
Chiesa dei Santi Cosma e Damiano
Diocesi di Asti ( sec. XV; XVIII )
Chiesa quattrocentesca dedicata ai Santi Cosimo e Damiano, rimaneggiata nei secoli successivi, con pitture interne del Morgari e dei fretelli Pozzi di Bergamo.
Ancient Crucifixes

Of course the crucifix theme is recurrent in the history of art and over the centuries. One of the most important crucifixes of Western art of all time is found in Piedmont, kept in Vercelli Cathedral Treasury and dating back to the year 1000.
The wooden cross was commissioned by Bishop Leone and features overlapping embossed silver foil decorated with gold, enamel and precious stones. It is an expression of Ottonian art, which is better known for its illuminated manuscripts. The size (327 x 236 cm) and artistic quality of the opus make it a true rarity, while it is similar in type to a crucifix found in Casale Cathedral, taken from Alessandria Cathedral in 1403 by the condottiero Facino Cane.