Pieve di Santa Maria
Diocesi di Tortona ( sec. XII; XV; XVI )
La pieve di Santa Maria a Novi Ligure (AL) risale al XII secolo. Ampiamente rimaneggiata nel corso dei secoli, al suo interno conserva un affresco dei Boxilio.
Pieve di Santa Maria Extra Muros
Diocesi di Mondovì ( sec. XI; XV )
Una pieve di origini remote, con un ciclo di affreschi diversi per stile e qualità, frutto di interventi che vanno dal maturo '400 ai primi decenni del ‘500.
A pieve is a local church with a baptistery that was designated for the minor parishes in central and northern Italy during the Middle Ages. In pre-Carolingian times, the term indicated both the local community of worshippers, along with the district in which it resided, and the religious building in which it gathered. The pievi were legal entities and were characterized by the permanent presence of ecclesiastics with a pastoral role and encompassed a huge territory with many secondary churches or chapels.